After Revision - More Revision

Image of red pen marking up a manuscript

We've been on a real journey these last few weeks, going through a time-tested method (here are steps one, two, three, and four) for tackling your novel's revision. What next? Once you've put in all that work, does it mean you're ready to send the piece out into the world, either to find an agent or publish independently? Maybe, but probably not šŸ’”

The truth is, if you've been working through your revision on your own, you will likely have some blind spots to address before trying to secure an agent or pressing "publish" on your KDP ebook or signing a contract with a hybrid publisher.

Here a few things I recommend you do first:

  • Find trusted beta readers. This post is an excellent overview on how to do that--and what to do with the variety of advice and critiques you'll likely get from your readers.

  • Hire a professional editor. Yes, you will need an editor (or editors) in addition to your beta readers. I shared this article before on deciding what kind of editor you need--and how to work with them--and it remains the best thing I've read on the topic. Note: Hiring an editor is an investment, but finding the right editor can make a huge difference for your project.

  • Revise some more. Possibly (probably), the critique from your beta readers and editor(s) will spur another revision. Or several. This is absolutely expected and doesn't reflect the quality of your work; it's how writing goes.

I'm curious: Do you enjoy revision? What's your biggest roadblock on your writing project? Iā€™d love to know!


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